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“Young people, with their unbridled creativity and fresh thinking, are like a breath of fresh air. They don't conform to traditional norms; they challenge the status quo with their out-of-the-box ideas. Engaging with them is like injecting your business with a shot of pure inspiration”.


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The incentive of Youngmnds lies in our rapidly evolving society. Questioning independently the traditional business practices and voicing concerns on challenges we collectively face. The future lies in the hands of those that have worked to shape it in the past, but where do we include youngsters that will deal with its consequences, positive or negative? This mismatch is where Youngmnds aims to renew, inspire and connect in a very early stage. 
Youngmnds ‘unprofessionals’* want to participate in the much needed critical thinking process, but not solely by questioning or presenting objections, on the contrary. Our un-professionals will instead aim at building bridges, informing and presenting alternatives to complex societal, technical and political challenges which will leave their footprint on the future we can shape together. 
The current leadership meets with the next generation of leaders, uniting seasoned expertise with fresh, contemporary vision for collective advancement. We aim to find innovative and sustainable solutions that help make today's world a better place for tomorrow.

Youngmnds offers an out of the box approach to empower and amplify the voices of our unprofessionals in the corporate realm. Our strength lies in a meticulously curated community of special birds; savvy and creative minds, connectors and activists. All to ensure that our mission of pioneering generational solutions is seamlessly integrated into the fabric of organizations. What we want is to offer actual alternatives, made and empowered by actual individuals that are involved and motivated to add value to the difficult and strategic choices by the ceo’s. 

Dedicated to exploring the root of youth empowerment, we actively recruit and cultivate a vibrant network by collaborating with industry leaders and organizations committed to fostering inclusive and innovative practices. Our focus is on harnessing our unorthodox unprofessionals, to empower them to be the driving force behind transformative change.

(*) Cambridge Dictionary: ‘Not showing the standard of behaviour or skill that is expected of a person in a skilled job’.

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Keizersgracht 111


The Netherlands

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